July 13, 2015
Dear Family and Friends,
Today after grocery shopping at Akropolis we were waiting for the bus when Sister Penrose wanted to take pictures in this park behind the bus stop, we had a few minutes, so we jumped the wall with our groceries and took some pictures when all of a sudden Sister Penrose saw our bus, so we again jumped the wall with our groceries and ran for the bus. We went to an authentic Lithuanian restaurant where we ate blynai, which is a potato pancake. We went souvenir shopping in old town, old town is very Lithuanian and cute. Then that evening we wanted to do some stop bys to these less actives, but we took the wrong bus, so we got off and we waited at a different bus stop, the bus never came. Then we decided to walk up the large hill to where we needed to go. By the time we walked up the large hill it was time to head back, we looked at the bus times and they were all too late for us to get us back on time. We then decided to walk right back down that big hill. It was a very interesting night and we spent most of it waiting for buses.
Today we had district meeting where Sister Bruce, Elder Bruce, and Elder Fraiser spoke about how an investigator, a missionary, and a member must feel in the conversion process. It was really good and I really enjoyed it. We then traveled to Vilnius so that I could go on exchanges with Sister Soosalu and Sister Penrose could go to Ryga Latvia with Sister Seaman early the next morning for mission leadership council as sister training leaders.
Today Sister Soosalu did a lot of walking and we went to her therapist for her back. The other sister's had left early in the morning and then got back quite late that night. Sister Penrose had forgotten her passport, which she needed to travel between countries. They decided to try and they let her on the bus without her passport and then no one stopped the bus on the way there to check their passports, but on the way back they stopped them and all she had was her residence card, which was expired, but they accepted it. It was a blessing, I don't know what they would have done, kicked her off the bus or fined her or something, but everything turned our fine.
Today I returned to Kaunas with Sister Seaman for an exchange. It was so fun to be back in Kaunas West with her. She has been having a little bit of a hard time lately because she doesn't get to walk around very much and do missionary work because of Sister Soosalu's back hurting. Her twin sister will also be getting married tomorrow, which is really hard for her to not be there.
Today we stopped by a less active name Vanda and it was so sad, she lives in a really sketchy place where she pretty much lives in one room that didn't even have pain on the walls. She was super sweet though.
Not much happened today, we talked around and it really rained a lot. We stopped by a member named Petras because it was his birthday, usually we have to climb a bajillion stairs but the trolley thing that I have never seen work was working so we took that up the huge hill. It was super fun!
Today I taught the YW lesson. It went really well, we talked about why covenants are important. I really am blessed with amazing YW. I hope that they can continue to grow. We feel like the branch is becoming more and more dependent on the missionaries, which is exactly what we are trying not to do. We play the piano during Sacrament meeting, and the prelude, and we lead the music, and we translate, and we play the piano in Primary, and we are the YW presidency, and then after church they eat food and they were going to have temple prep class right after, so they asked us if we would do all of the dishes. We feel like they depend on the missionaries a little too much.
*I did receive your package! Sister Penrose and I really had fun with it! Thank you so much! The calling has been good, I got to teach yesterday and I tried not to be fearful because in my patriarchal blessing it talks about my callings and how I shouldn't be fearful! I really focused on not being fearful. I feel like it helped me feel more calm and do better and know what to say because I was not freaking out. I am so glad our YW participate or else it would be very difficult to teach them. I really feel like since I have been here I have seen them changing and becoming more mature in the Gospel, it is exciting to see. Now my next challenge will be going to Branch Council and having to participate in that, but I will not be fearful, I will just prepare the best I know how. They are expecting 7 missionaries and then I heard that they are 6 elders and 1 sister, they are definitely not sending as many sisters as we are losing, it is sad to see the decrease, I found so many good long time friends in the Sisters I serve with.
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